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It’s OK to feel “young at heart” as long as your emotional tool bag
doesn’t feel too empty or too disorganised at the same time

Growing Self Awareness

Growing Aware systems - - Light blue “I can change and I can choose  ........”

Emotional Age and Emotional Intelligence are growing.

Power and control issues are less important now.

I am more interested in becoming the real and authentic person I was meant to be.

I am starting to feel good enough inside lots of the time.

I am getting to know the feeling of a what it is like to be a grown-up self-aware person using balanced self-empowerment.

My old emotional wounds are healing. Sometimes, although I am more than ever aware of my vulnerable side, at the same time I feel self protected in ways that don’t get me into blaming or controlling others or trying to take their power away from them.

Thoughts actions or feelings like those below indicate growing  emotional intelligence and emotional age awareness.

Aware Thinking and Feeling (integrated) Increasing Self Awareness System - Blue

Integrating Aware thinking and Feeling  - Emotional Age and Emotional Intelligence are both growing together. Seeing reality even more clearly. Combining feelings with reasoning gives a more balanced view. Better at noticing what I am doing and saying and feeling.

I accept myself as I am. I no longer need validation from others (though it’s nice when it happens).

I can do almost anything I want to. Nothing seems “too much” for me  any more!

Thoughts actions or feelings like those below indicate   developing  Aware Grown up system:

What it is like when you are in Your

Aware Thinking and Feeling - Increasing Self Awareness

Growing  Self Awareness - “I can change and I can choose“

In order to follow the information on this page you will find it is better to read the pages Explaining the EA Wheel and Put Your EA Wheel to Work before you spend too much time here.